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Early Bird - 15% OFF ALL TICKETS - July Only!
Early Bird - 15% OFF ALL TICKETS - July Only!

Our mission is to provide struggling youth with education, health and sports programs so they can thrive in life and make a healthy contribution to society.

Our education programs are very extensive and we work with youth from ages 4 to 18 in core subjects like reading, mathematics, language, and techonology/computers. We also provide certifications and scholarships to the participants in our programs so they can advance their skills by attending college.
We make sure our PMF participants have the necessary medical and dental services that they need so they can live a full and complete life! We also provide the families of our participants with our health services and we do regular medical and dental drives in various communities in the United States and Latin America.
We offer a variety of sports programs and physical activity that helps the communities we serve be healthy productive. The areas where we serve have many gangs and unhealthy influences and so our sports programs are very beneficial to our youth because it keeps them away from these negative environments.


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